Lost between insanity & intelligence

Just a way to vent and ramble on, when no one else will listen!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I'm 75 and I really don't give a damn what you think!

Monday, June 26, 2006

I found a car wash in West Palm Beach

My Car is really Dirty!

Just a reminder in case you forgot:

Nothing much to say right now...

See Paul, I still trim my nose hairs.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

It was an Excederin Headache!!!

So I spent the weekend at my parents house. Robert, Krissy, Katie, My cousin from Italy, Andy, Rose, Eddie and his "trailer trash, redneck, white trash" girlfirend & a girl from a previous boyfriend and Eddies new daughter were all there. My Mom's friend Tina stopped by as well.

All and All, dealing with my family in small amounts isn't bad. One on One, isn't bad, but... everyone together? I maxed out on the daily dose of Excederin, hoping to make the pain more tolerable.

It wasn't just me either. Andy was the same. My mom is easy to deal with and my Dad is high maintenance. My brother is tolerable, he is a typical Dad, he has been numbed by years of dealing with his kids and his wife's previous three kids. My sister, well, for a lesbian, I can deal with her. My nieces are fantastic! I enjoyed their company, a 13 & 11 year old.
As for my nephew, his girlfriend and the baby out of wedlock (times two), god help me.
Oh, I forgot, Krissy's frined from my folks' neighborhood spent alot of time their too.

Guess who cooked? Very good. I think I lost my touch. I didn'y enjoy anything I prepared. Must have been the company.

As for Excederin; now that Paul and I live only 3 hours from my folks, I highly recommend everyone to purchase stocks in the company.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Oh, what I did last night....

Last night at the dogpark, it was pretty quite. I was talking with one of the guys, Andrew, he's been there about as often as me.

He said he was stoned and that he had some really good stuff and offered me a couple of "hits".

Well, I did it. I can't remember the last time I got stoned, but holy shit, that was excellent. I think its been at least 5 years if not more since I last smoked pot, but I can't remember ever being that stoned.

We hung out at my apartment for a couple of hours. Time just stood still for me. I usually get very quite, and just stay in a vegatative state. And, thats just what happened. Andrew is a talker. He rambled on for hours, and I just listened, and stared at him. He's cute.

After Andrew left, I called Paul. Wrong. He talked, I just listened. And boy did I have the munchies. I ate a 3/4 a box of JuicyFruits and 1/3 a box of Nerds. That's "Paul Food."

I slept like a baby last night and when my alarm went off at 5:30am, I really didn't want to get up. Yes, I did, but I think I may have still been stoned. I'll probably just stick with smokin' my cigs and drinking an occasional cocktail in the future. Or, maybe not.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I realized today that the last few days, I haven't written a new post. All I've done is insert pictures & videos (I liked, of course) and only wrote a little something about 'em.

Is it Laziness?
Yeah, I think so. This week I started getting up at 5:30am to go to work, then after work been hitting the pool and the dogpark.

I blame the laziness on Paul & Anna. They got me hooked on:

www.blingybob.com & www.youtube.com & google. I'be been watching short videos (dirty, sexy, perverted ones of course!) and checking out www.myspace.com.

Why?, getting ideas, motivating myself to write interesting things and just to see how far behind the times I am.

Regarding myspace... If I had that growing up, I probably would be a different person today. Young people these days are so open on the internet. And Jesus!, I can't believe how vulgar, obscene & willing to show seductive pictures & videos of themselves, they are.

Damn, I love it!

I've already established I can be a perv, but not in a 16, gets you 20 kinda way. If they are over 18, thats fine with me. They are the ones choosing to do that for the world to see and read about.

I'm more concerned with the minors. 14 years old! If I had kids, I would be monitoring every little thing they did online.

Remember "The X Files"? Trust No One.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Star Trek Enterprise

I Miss This Show, and the Song.
I'm running out of geek shows to watch.
I guess that why I've been watching so much porn lately. Or, maybe its cause I've been away from Paul for so long.

Roxy Likes to Do It Doggy-Style

Okay, now on the lighter side. Roxy may not be this small, but she doe's try to hump alot of the other dogs at the dogpark.

Very funny, I've seen the same expression on Roxy's Face.

Every Breath Bush Takes

I guess I'm feeling a little political Tonight!

Bush Goofs

Can you believe he got voted in twice?
Please America Please, don't let another Bush i the White House, not even Hillary!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Forever Young

I only could wish to be this age again...

Friday, June 16, 2006

What's up with this?

Word Verification...

What the Fuck?

Type the characters you see in the picture above.


We are not trading credit card information or more importantly vital sexual postion preferences. So just why do some bloggers, "Anna", make us type in a word verification when we want to post a comment to their posting?
Just one of those things that makes you say:
What the Fuck?

Thursday, June 15, 2006



43 percent of all Americans say:
“Immigration is a serious problem”

The other 57 percent said:
"No hablo inglés"

Taking in rays & swimming in the pool

I am soooooo Happy.

After 5 days of clouds and some rain, I finally got to relax at the pool yesterday and again today.

This whitebread honkie boi is finally developing a solid tan. The last month, I have spent at least 1 1/2 to 2 hours a day floating in the water or laying in the lounge.

Very relaxing and a great way to get my thoughts together.

Paul will have his chance when he moves down here. But, I am sure he will bitch me out since he will have to work his regular schedule while I enjoy some down time. I can hear him now "Get a job where you have to work" or "Get a part-time job."

My response is simple: "I'll cook you dinner, clean the dishes, do the laundry, make the bed and give it to ya 3-4 times a week. And whatever else a good houseboi does."

He'll get his chance in the sun, right by my side.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

To boldly go...

No... I didn't write this, but I just had to link something Geeky here.

Captain Picard's Journal

Yeah, this much closer to the light at the end of the tunnel!

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com

Poster Child for Clearasil...

Only family can pick on family. Remember those commercials for Clearasil that had high school girls crying because they got a ZIT right before the prom. I should have bought stock back then. I'd be rich today. Luv u Anna! :-)

Sleepless in Seattle

1. Is it age catching up with me?
2. Is it the shoe box of an apartment I'm living in right now? My kids purring away, my kids fighting in the weeee hours of the morning. The A/C kicking on 5 feet from my bed. The refridgerator doing its thing. Or maybe the lights from outside glowing this room.
3. Is it the anxiety of being away from my baby? June 15th was one year, off and on with all the traveling.
4. Or is it the crappy bed I sleep on here? Let me put it this way: remember those horrible dorm beds in college? Well, this makes that look like a Luxury Sleeper.

Whatever it is... I'm sick of waking up everyday between 5:30am and 7:00am, regardless of when I go to sleep.

I had a hard time falling alseep last night. Usually I'm out like a light 5 minutes after I turn the light out. But, last night I was twisting & turning, not thinking about anything major.

My eyes open, gotta go pee, then can't go back to sleep. The sun's not even up yet!

Well, I'm closer to getting outta this shoebox. I'm closer to sleeping in a new bed that we bought a couple of weeks ago and closer to being with my baby.

And, no, the kids won't be sleeping with us anymore, at least not on a regular basis. My sanity is more important. Besides, they will have a larger place to explore. They can wander the pooldeck while we sleep.

Time for some coffee, and another smoke.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Baby a.k.a. "Pooh"

He's a Stud!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Damn, I have troubles!

I can't view my own newer postings and its driving me MAD!!!!!!

Roxy, The dog with "Issues"

So, this is Roxy.
She showed up at our doorstep when we moved to Miami in 1998, and has been with us ever since.
Roxy has issues. When we frst got her, we brought her to the vet and after the third visit, the vet said we have bad new for you. "Roxy is a male." Though Roxy looks like a girl, acts like a girl, she technically is a boy. She was about a year old when she found us. She never dropped and she was never fixed, but like many asian boys, Roxy has a very small penis. Poor thing! And, to top it off, Roxy is Gay. Roxy likes to hump other boy dogs. She spends 1/2 of the time everyday at the dogpark trying to hump other boy dogs. The problem, she doesn't stop. Even after the other dog moves away, Roxy continues in the humping motion. Poor thing, 9 years old, and never got a piece of ass. Roxy also like to try to hump one of our cats, Sybil. Talking about desperation, at least stick with your own species and complete the action.
What would you do if you always tried to get some, and never got the golden prize?
I'd be on every anti-depression medication there is.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Another day in Paradise

I've been traveling for business for the last year (In New York & New Jersey), away from My partner Paul (almost 14 years together, and our 7 kids: Roxy, our dog, Furfur, Dumpy, Nilla & Sybil- our four cats and Pookie & Iggie, a Cockatoo & a conure. About two months ago, I took a job in West Palm Beach. Still away from home, but closer to getting us all settled again, together.
After working 34 days straight, 10 hour days (give or take), I've got my shit together. Just in time to enjoy the summer.
My days start off by waking up at 6:00 am (not by choice- usually one of my kids is waking me up wanting to be fed), make my coffee, flip on the TV and check out some of my favorite websites and check emails; both personal & work. After I've had 3 cups of coffee and 3 cigarettes, I take my Dog Roxy for a walk and then shower and head to work. Right now, work is a breeze, remember- I got my shit together, I go in around 8:30am and leave around 2:00pm. This has to be one of the easiest jobs I have had in 10 years, but it is also very rewarding, since I am the Boss and in a very short time have built strong relationships with my staff, customers & clients.
Anyway, after 5 1/2 hours of that I've been running some errands and then heading back to my shoebox of an apartment. Two weeks ago, Paul and I put an offer on a house in West Palm Beach. It's smaller than we are use to, but it has a pool and jacuzzi, sits on a lake and, it is West Palm. We close on June 29th. Paul moves down here on the 12th of July YEAH!!!!!!
Well, I've been sitting poolside about an hour and a half everyday, this white boi now has a tan!
Around 5:30pm, Roxy starts telling me its time to bring her to the Dog Park. I found out about this dog park from my neighbor, Sunny- the crazy cat lady. Ever since I have been going every day for the last 3 weeks. I spend about an hour or two there chatting with the regulars. Its kindaa like "Cheers" but without the beer. I have made some very nice aqaintances there. It is very relaxing and very funny, especially since Roxy is a "Horn Dog". She tries to hump every dog she can. Oh, Roxy is really a boy, but thats a totally different story. She is very confused!
Paul and I talk on the phone at least 3 times every night, just listening to each others rants. I miss him soooooo much! Only a few more weeks and we'll be back together.
By 8:00 pm I eat dinner, watch some TV and fall asleep by 10:00 PM.
I feel like an old man with this schedule, but my bed sucks, I miss Paul, and our life has been upside down for the last 12 months. Once we are together, and we get the new bed delivered, we will redisover ourselves and learn to enjoy life to the fulliest.
Well, thats my life today. Lets see what tomorrow brings.